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[Manhattan Pain Management] Things You Should Never Do When You Have Back Pain

Updated: Jun 26

Manhattan pain management for back pain

Your back is the foundation for your whole body. But your back will be at risk for an injury if you don't take proper precautions. What sort of injury? Everything from simple stiffness to bulged discs and spinal cord damage. But it is possible to treat your back correctly in order to increase your physical health and quality of life.

If you've ever had a back problem, you know how miserable it is. Dealing with back pain can be one of the most challenging things people in Manhattan have to deal with. But the thing is, most of these problems could be prevented with some proactive care and help with Manhattan pain management. In addition, taking proper care of it now can help you avoid future health problems down the road.

Factors That Cause Back Pain

Back pain is any pain felt anywhere in your back. It can be described as a dull ache or a sharp pain. It can be caused by anything from an injury to osteoporosis (a thinning of the bones). The spine is made up of bones called vertebrae, separated by discs that act as shock absorbers between each vertebra.

Back pain can happen when any muscle in your back is strained or injured. It can be caused by a number of different things, including poor posture and physical activities or muscle spasms. It can also be caused by an infection, inflammation, and other medical conditions.

lower back pain

It may get worse when you move or lift something heavy, and it's often accompanied by stiffness. It can be mild or severe, but it usually starts with a sudden onset and then improves over a few days or weeks before getting better or disappearing altogether.

You may experience pain when sitting, walking, or standing up. You might have trouble sleeping or wake up feeling stiff in the morning. But there are many pain management techniques you can do to improve your back condition and prevent it from worsening. (7 Signs That Your Back Pain Has Gone Chronic)

Prevent Back Pain From Worsening

If you're suffering from back pain, you might be tempted to reach for the painkillers. But before you do that, you should know that there are a number of things you should never do when you have back pain.

It is important to avoid doing anything that could make your condition worse. As we mentioned above, if your back pain is caused by an injury, it's important to rest until the problem has healed properly. Here are some other things that you should never do that can make your back pain worse:

Never ignore pain or discomfort

Ignoring back pain can lead to more severe problems in the future. You may not think that a little ache or stiffness is anything to worry about, but ignoring the problem could lead to increased disability and even spine surgery later on down the road.

See a pain specialist as soon as possible to diagnose and treat the problem properly.

Never take medications without first talking with your doctor

Never take medications without first talking with your healthcare provider about how they may interact with other drugs you're taking, including over-the-counter pain medications and herbal remedies. It may cause stomach irritation or other side effects, which may make your condition worse instead of better.

Never force sudden movements

Lifting something heavy or performing any sudden movement can put an unexpected strain on your spine, resulting in more pain for you. It's best to lift slowly and carefully so as not to cause further damage or injury to yourself.

consult a pain specialist

Never fail to tell about your other conditions

Never fail to tell your pain doctor if you have been diagnosed with cancer or had cancer in the past, as this can affect your treatment options for lower back pain and the way you should manage it.

All Of Pain Manhattan pain management center offers top-rated pain management services for patients with back pain. Call us now, and we will listen to your needs.

Never exercise too much

Exercise has many benefits and is an essential part of any healthy lifestyle. However, if you're starting a new exercise program or increasing the intensity of your workouts, don't do too much too soon. Start slowly and gradually build up as you get stronger and more fit.

The same goes for increasing the duration of your workouts; gradually increase the amount of time you spend exercising each week while keeping track of how your body is responding so that you don't overdo it. Exercising too much can make your muscles tighten up, which will only lead to further discomfort.

Never bend over at the waist

Never bend over at the waist. Instead, bend at the knees when picking up objects from the floor or bending down to pick something up from under a bed, table, chair seat, or even from behind one of those objects! For example, if you're sitting at a desk and need a stapler from behind your chair seat, get up and bend over instead of bending over at the waist, as this will put more pressure on your lower back muscles as well as strain them more than necessary.

Never hunched over

Sitting hunched over a computer or phone for hours at a time can seriously aggravate your back issues. If you find yourself slouching, it's time to stand up and stretch.

Never reach too far

If you are lifting something heavy, make sure that you don't overreach. If you can't reach the object, ask someone else for help or use a tool like a step stool to lift it up to your level.

Never lean too far backward

When leaning backward, try not to lean past your body's natural center of gravity or lean too far over an edge, e.g., when hanging laundry on a clothesline or reaching into a high cabinet for something. It can put undue strain on your lower back muscles and vertebrae and cause them to spasm painfully (spasms can be felt as shooting pains that radiate down into the legs).

Never stand or sit with poor posture

Keep good posture when standing for long periods of time by using proper support from chairs and stools if necessary, and avoid leaning against walls while standing. Good posture will help distribute pressure more evenly across your joints and spine.

Never twist your spine

Don't twist your spine while lifting or bending over a chair or table — move the object instead. Twisting your spine can cause disc problems and nerve damage in the lower back. If you must twist, turn only as far as is necessary and stop if it causes pain.

back pain while sitting

Never sit or stand in one position too long

Whether you're sitting at work or watching TV at home, try not to stay in one position for too long without getting up and moving around every so often, even if you're sitting on a comfortable couch.

Your body will start cramping up if you don't move around every so often, allowing blood to flow back into all of your muscles again, so they don't get stiff from not moving around enough during the day.

Sitting still for long periods of time can cause stiffness and muscle tightness in your back. If possible, try alternating between sitting down and standing up every hour or so to avoid stiffness from setting in. If you can't avoid this situation, better consult a pain management specialist in Manhattan for advice and treatment.

Pain Management For Back Pain

The main reason you will develop lower back pain is the strain and stress it takes to use your muscles and balance your spine. Too much or not enough of an imbalance in the muscles' strength can cause stiffness and discomfort, which results in lower back pain.

Many people complain about the pain that they feel in their lower back. If you've ever experienced back pain, you know how terrible it can make your life. Thankfully, though, there are many things you can do to prevent yourself from ending up in this nerve-racking situation.

If you aren't sure of what to do, don't be afraid to ask a Manhattan pain management specialist for help. The best treatment depends on the cause of your back pain. Treatment options include physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, acupuncture, and spinal injections. (Choose The Best Pain Management Treatment For Back Pain)

The key to achieve pain relief from back problems is not to rush it. Take care of yourself. See your healthcare provider and follow their recommendations as closely as you can. Take care of your body and stay active in safe ways. Do not put added strain on your back or do the things that can make it worse.

Paying attention to your body and listening to it are important aspects of managing your health and well-being. When you take care of you, you can better focus on what's most important: living your life to the fullest.


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