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[New York Pain Management] What Is Repetitive Strain Injury And How To Treat It

Writer's picture: All of PainAll of Pain

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

New York pain management

Are you suffering from a repetitive strain injury from your work? Even if it isn't your arm or hand, you'll at least get sore and stiff from keeping the same posture all day at your busy work or from moving towards the same way every day.

Repetitive strain injuries are on the rise. In fact, as strange as it sounds, most people will develop a repetitive strain injury in their lifetime. Nowadays, we spend a lot of time using computers at the office, at home, or at school. People who do this tend to get some stress and pain in the neck, shoulders, and arms. This injury is called repetitive strain injury. It is a condition caused by repetitive activities. Increasing awareness and learning the New York pain management strategies is key to helping people protect themselves from these injuries.

What is repetitive strain injury?

hand with repetitive strain injury

Like any other muscle in your body, your wrists, hands, and arms can get fatigued with overuse. They can also become injured if you use them incorrectly or too much over time. The term Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), sometimes called repetitive motion syndrome, is used to describe these kinds of conditions and is a very common cause of pain in the wrists and hands. It is a condition that results from repetitive movements.

Repetitive strain injury is a common problem among office workers but can also affect athletes, musicians, artists, and other people who use their hands or arms in their jobs, including people who work at computers or other office equipment. It occurs when the muscles and tendons in your arms are overused by making the same motions over and over again and have to work too hard for too long without time for recovery.

As a result, the muscles may become inflamed and painful, and this will cause them to tear or rupture. Repetitive strain injuries can also result from poor posture or muscle imbalance. The most common types of repetitive strain injury include:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when there is pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. The median nerve runs from your forearm into your hand through a narrow passageway called the carpal tunnel. If swelling occurs inside this tunnel, it can put pressure on the nerve as it exits from underneath the wrist bone (the distal end) into your palm and fingers. This causes pain, numbness, and tingling in your thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of your ring finger.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can affect anybody, even if you don't do a job with excessive repetitive arm movements such as typing on a keyboard or playing video games can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. The condition usually goes away with rest, but it can become chronic if left untreated, so seek help from a pain specialist as soon as possible if you experience RSI.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is an injury that involves inflammation of the tendons around your elbow joint from overuse of your forearm muscles. When you have a tennis elbow, you may feel a sharp pain at the outer side of your elbow that gets worse when you use your forearm muscles. The pain may extend down into the forearm or up into the shoulder blade.

Tennis elbow is caused by repeated bending or straightening of your arm at work or home activities. It often begins with minor pain after repeatedly using your wrist or hand to grip or squeeze something. For example, while playing tennis or racquetball. It may also result from working with your hands at a keyboard all day long without taking breaks to stretch your fingers and wrists. The pain may also be felt when lifting objects or straightening your arm at the wrist. If you are looking for tennis elbow pain treatment, try our services.


Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons that connect muscles to bone. The tendons are like thick cords or ropes that connect muscles to bones and allow you to move your body parts. When you use your hand or arm, your tendon becomes stretched and stressed. This can cause microscopic tears in the tendon, which makes it inflamed and tender to touch.

Tendonitis occurs when these tendons become inflamed due to overuse or repetitive movements. It can affect any joint in the body but is more common in the wrists, elbows, shoulders, and knees. The pain may be felt deep inside the joint rather than on its surface.

What are the symptoms of repetitive strain injury?

If you're having symptoms such as pain in your hands or wrists that gets worse with certain movements or activities, it's important to see a pain physician right away. Early warning signs of repetitive arm pain include tingling or numbness in your fingers and pain in your wrists. You should seek pain treatment as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage to your joints and muscles.

You may have an RSI if you experience these symptoms:

  • Pain in one or both of your hands, wrists, or arms

  • Swelling at the affected site

  • Tingling or numbness or pins and needles in your hands

  • Weakness in one or both hands

  • Difficulty moving the affected area (such as trouble picking up objects or gripping things)

  • Burning sensation in your fingers or hands

  • Pain in your elbow or forearm when you move your arm

  • Stiffness in your hands and arms

  • Fatigue from repetitive tasks

If you think you might have a repetitive strain injury, see a pain management specialist as soon as possible. If left unattended, repetitive arm pain can lead to physical changes such as muscle imbalances. It can cause long-term problems and even stop you from doing simple everyday things like cooking or typing on a computer keyboard. A pain management specialist can help you with diagnosis and treatment plans.

Who can get repetitive strain injury?

Our arms and hands are important tools in our daily lives. They allow us to do the things we need to do, like eating, driving, and typing on a keyboard. Unfortunately, pain in these areas can make it difficult or impossible to use your arms and hands effectively.

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a common complaint in the workplace, especially in jobs that involve repetitive movements of the arms and hands. It can affect anyone who works at a computer for long periods of time, does manual labor, or plays sports.

Anyone who performs repetitive tasks over long periods of time can be at risk of getting repetitive strain injury. It can be caused by:

  • An incorrect posture while working on a computer

  • A sudden movement of the wrist

  • Excessive force on a joint or tendon

  • Typing with incorrect posture or using poor keyboard techniques

  • Reaching repeatedly to the same side of the body (for example, reaching across your body to grab something)

  • Using tools that don't fit your hand perfectly

  • Poorly designed equipment (such as a computer mouse or keyboard) can also cause repetitive strain injuries.

  • Flaring up of an underlying medical condition such as carpal tunnel syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis

How to treat repetitive strain injury?

hand injury pain relief

Repetitive strain injury can be treated by taking breaks from work, changing your working environment, or using tools that will reduce strain on your body. You may also need to see a New York pain management specialist or physiotherapist for advice about how to manage your pain before it gets worse and more difficult to treat.

Physical therapy can help you get back to work faster, with less pain. Physical therapists can help you with RSIs by providing education on how to avoid them and treating patients who have already developed them.

A physical therapist will ask about your symptoms, examine your body for signs of injury or muscle tightness, and recommend exercises or stretches to help relieve pain. They may also include electrical stimulation or other treatments that help reduce inflammation in sore muscles. These treatments may consist of ultrasound (sound waves), heat therapy, ice packs, or massage therapy.

Medical massage therapy can help ease your pain by increasing the blood flow to the affected area and reducing swelling. It can also help relax your muscles and improve your range of motion. The goal is for you to be able to use your arm and hand safely without hurting yourself again by overusing it too soon after an injury or strain incident.

Repetitive strain injuries aren't always preventable, so it's important that you're familiar with the pain management options to treat these injuries. I hope this article helps you with how you can reduce the risk of further injury and improve your quality of life.


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