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[New York Pain Management] Ways You Can Take Back Your Life From Chronic Shoulder Pain

Updated: Jun 26

pain relief from shoulder pain

They say everyday life is tough. You think you are going to be fine, but after doing some simple task such as cleaning your house or moving stuff around, it hurts again. The reality is that living with constant shoulder pain can be tough at times and make everyday life unbearable. It is hard on you, but it's also hard on those around you because of the lack of flexibility and increased level of stress your body brings to the table.

You know how frustrating it can be if you suffer from chronic shoulder pain. Having to live with the same pain every day can feel almost as bad as the injury itself. Some days, it can get the best of you and drain you of your motivation. Not only do you have to deal with the constant aches and pains, but you also have to manage your expectations so that they don't get out of control.

But there is hope! With some determination and the right techniques with the help of a New York pain management specialist, it's possible to take back your life and manage your shoulder pain and suffering.

Don't let temporary pain slow you down

If you're in pain, you may think that it's better to rest than to risk further injury by working out with weights or doing other activities that put stress on your shoulders. But resting too much can make the problem worse. In fact, if the muscles around your shoulder become weak because of lack of use, they will have more difficulty doing their job when you start using them again. So don't let temporary pain slow you down! Instead, get back into exercise slowly and gradually increase it over time until it feels normal again.

Take it easy, and don't overwork your shoulder

shoulder pain nyc pain management

The step toward regaining control of your life is learning how not to overwork your body's most fragile joints — namely those in the shoulders and hands. As with any other muscle strain or sprain, reducing activity will help relieve the pain and allow healing to occur more quickly. Rest as much as possible and avoid activities that cause pain.

When you do move around, keep it gentle. If you have to lift something heavy, use both hands instead of just one and avoid twisting or bending the arm too much when raising or lowering something heavy. You can also try using a sling or brace to stabilize your elbow while using both hands to lift things off the ground or out of a car trunk, purse, or backpack pocket. You should also make sure that everything in your home is within reach so that you don't have to stretch or strain when reaching for something on a high shelf or across the room.

Maintain social connections

Try to maintain your social connections by seeing friends and family members as much as possible and participating in activities that you enjoy, even if it means taking breaks during the activity or avoiding certain movements. The more you stay connected to others and continue to do things that you enjoy, the better off you'll be mentally and emotionally. You'll feel less lonely, depressed, or anxious, which can worsen your condition, as well as less likely to develop other health problems.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

If you have a chronic condition such as shoulder pain, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance if your symptoms worsen or if you're struggling with activities of daily living like bathing or dressing. You may need assistance with daily tasks so that you can rest your arm and avoid further injury.

Whether you need assistance with daily activities like cooking, cleaning, or some help with physical therapy exercises, don't be afraid to ask for help. You don't have to do everything alone! While you may think asking for help makes you look weak or incapable, nothing could be further from the truth — it takes courage and confidence to admit when additional assistance is needed. Your friends and family members will probably be thrilled to lend a hand whenever possible, so don't hesitate when you need them!

Talk to a specialist about the best treatment for you

shoulder pain management

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the pain, don't be afraid to seek help from professionals. It's important to understand that chronic shoulder pain is not a disease in itself. Instead, it's a symptom of another condition, such as arthritis or injury. In other words, your shoulder may hurt because you've injured it or because there's something wrong with another part of your body.

There are many treatment options available to reduce your pain and allow you to regain control over your life again. It's important to talk with a pain specialist about which treatment is best for you based on the severity of your symptoms, how long you have had them, and whether or not they have responded to previous treatments already. Also talk to a pain specialist before making any significant changes to your treatment routine.

One treatment option is to undergo physical therapy, which can help with strengthening specific muscles in order to relieve pain. Another treatment option is to get cortisone injections into the affected area; this will reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief until your body heals itself.

Choose a healthy lifestyle

Just because you suffer from chronic shoulder pain doesn't mean you have to suffer through a life of chronic shoulder pain. In fact, with some determination, patience, and information about your condition, you can learn how to manage your chronic shoulder pain.

There are some things in life that you just can't change. For example, unless you're willing to take a major pay cut or give up your career altogether, there's no way around the fact that your job will cause some stress and strain on your body at some point. Unfortunately, it's just part of life as an adult — as much as we'd like it not to be true, there are some things we just can't control.

However, there are other areas of our lives where we have more control than we think: namely, what we eat and how often we exercise (or don't). We may not realize it yet, but if we make healthier choices when it comes to these two things — choices that support our bodies instead of harming them — then we can improve our quality of life significantly over time (and even reverse certain chronic conditions).


This is just a short list to take the first steps toward regaining your life. Some days you will feel better than others, but with these suggestions, you will feel some progress every day. You have many options for treatment. A New York pain management specialist can help you find the best treatment plan, which will vary based on your individual needs.

Take a moment to review these tips, do what you can, and then get back to living an active life. Some of them might not appeal to you, but don't stop trying. If one doesn't work, try another and keep positive. You will see results. The point here is that shoulder issues don't have to be permanent. Keep pushing forward because it's worth it. Soon you will be pain-free.


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