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[New York Pain Management] Surprising Factors That Can Trigger Headaches

Updated: Jun 26

headache triggers

Suffer from headaches? Is your head throbbing when you wake up in the morning and think about all the things you have to do throughout the day? Do you know the surprising factors that can trigger headaches? Do you often experience headaches and wonder why they happen?

If you're suffering from headaches, you know it's not something you can make instantly go away. Headaches have a way of taking over your life, leaving you stressed and unhappy. So when your headache persists, what do you do? You must consult a New York pain management specialist because you need answers.

This blog explores the triggers for headaches you might not know and how to find solutions in NYC that might work for you.

Headache Triggers

Headaches are a common problem for many people in New York. However, you never once thought that headaches could be a daily part of your life until it happened to you.

We all get headaches from time to time. Some may only experience headaches once in a while, while others suffer from them on a daily basis. But sometimes, headaches can become more frequent and last longer than normal. These are called chronic headaches and can be very debilitating, affecting your ability to work, sleep and enjoy life.

If you have chronic headaches, you may have tried different self-care treatments and over-the-counter pain medications but still find that your headaches return. It may leave you feeling frustrated and discouraged. That's why it's important to consult a pain specialist for help.

Chronic headaches are defined as headaches that occur 15 or more days a month for three months or longer. They can be triggered by many factors, even simple things, and can affect each person in different ways. In some cases, they are the result of a more serious health condition. Here are some surprising factors that trigger headaches:

Workplace triggers

There are a number of workplace triggers that can cause chronic headaches. These include:

Loud noise – sounds over 85 decibels can cause ringing in the ears, which may lead to a headache.

Headbanging – Repeated headbanging against your desk or chair may damage nerves in your neck and upper back. This type of injury can lead to chronic neck pain and stiffness that can trigger headaches when you sit at work for long periods.

Posture – Sitting in an awkward position all day may put pressure on certain nerves in your body, which could lead to a headache later on.

Bright lights – Bright light from fluorescent bulbs, computer screens, and sunlight can trigger migraines in some people. Artificial lighting can also cause eyestrain, which can lead to headaches or vision problems. If you cannot avoid this trigger because of your work, get help from a pain management specialist.

new york work headache

Overwork – Overworking can cause stress-related headaches if you have not taken time off from work for a break or if your employer does not provide adequate breaks during the day.

Workload – If your workload is too much for you to handle on your own, then it is likely that you will feel stressed and anxious about getting it done on time and correctly. This will make it harder for you to concentrate on what you need to do and could lead to poor concentration at work, which can cause more mistakes and delays in completing tasks.

Workplace bullying and harassment – If you are being bullied or harassed at work, this can cause stress-related headaches as well as depression and anxiety. Bullying also takes up valuable time that could be spent doing other things.

Uncomfortable chairs – the wrong chair can lead to neck and back pain, which can cause headaches.

Lack of breaks – taking regular breaks from work can help prevent chronic headaches.

Diet triggers

Your diet can also be a trigger for headaches. If you're prone to migraines, you may notice that certain foods make your symptoms worse.

A diet that is high in caffeine and refined sugar can cause headaches. Caffeine causes blood vessels to narrow, which increases pressure inside the head. Sugar can cause inflammation and pain in the body.

Excessive alcohol use is another trigger. Alcoholics are known to suffer from chronic headaches more than non-alcoholics. This could be due to the fact that alcohol is a diuretic, which means it causes dehydration and low blood sugar levels, both of which can lead to headaches.

Some foods have been found to trigger headaches, such as chocolate, cheese, nuts, and artificial sweeteners like aspartame. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, an amphetamine-like substance that can cause headaches or even migraines in some people. Cheese is also thought to contain chemicals that can trigger headaches in some people but not others. Nuts have been shown to increase migraine risk in some people who eat them frequently while they are also under stress.

Food additives. Monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates, aspartame, and food dyes can also trigger headaches.

Lifestyle triggers

lack of sleep headache

Sleep deprivation. If you don't get enough sleep, it may be harder for your body to cope with stress and headaches. Sleep deprivation can also make other types of headaches worse.

Menstruation. Estrogen levels rise before the start of a period, triggering changes in blood vessels that can cause headaches.

Hormonal changes. Chronic migraines are more common in women than men and tend to worsen during pregnancy and after menopause when hormone levels fluctuate again. Migraines may also be triggered by hormone therapy or oral contraceptives (birth control pills).

Symptoms To Look Out For

You know your headache patterns better than anyone. If you're a regular headache sufferer, you likely know which triggers set off your headaches and what helps them go away. But here are some general guidelines for recognizing that something is different about your headaches.

If you experience new or unusual symptoms of headache, consult a pain management specialist in NYC immediately.

  • Pain on one side of the head, instead of both sides

  • Pain in an unusual part of the head, such as behind or above one eye or behind the ears

  • A feeling that the pain is coming from inside the head rather than outside it

  • A change in the intensity or pattern of your usual type of headache

  • A severe headache that starts suddenly and worsens quickly

  • A headache with fever or stiff neck

  • A sudden change in vision or loss of vision

  • A change in mental state, such as confusion or memory loss

New York Pain Management Treatment

Most headaches are not serious and can be treated at home. But if you have a new or worsening headache, it is important to see a pain specialist to rule out other problems. Your healthcare provider can help you identify which type of headache you have and decide on the best treatment options for you.

new york pain management

Headache pain management is the treatment of headache pain to relieve headache, depending on your symptoms and the severity of your headache. The goal of pain treatments is to reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches, with a view toward improving quality of life.

Headache pain management can be achieved through non-pharmacological (non-medical) and pharmacological (medical) interventions. Non-pharmacological approaches include lifestyle changes, relaxation techniques, acupuncture, medical massage, physical therapy, and chiropractic care. These approaches are used alone or in combination with pharmacological therapies.

Please be sure to see a New York pain management specialist if you feel you might have a headache problem. Chronic headaches, especially if they are of the "tension" variety and create a pattern of muscle contractions in the head, neck, and shoulders, can often be managed by understanding the various triggers and taking appropriate action to avoid these. If you are in pain, please do something about it. The longer you wait, the worse it will get.


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