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[New York Pain Management] Suffering From Shoulder Pain? What To Do and What Not To Do

Updated: Jun 26

treatment for shoulder pain

Are you suffering from shoulder pain? We spend most of our waking hours doing something that involves the use of our shoulders. As a result, shoulders get a lot of abuse in day-to-day activities.

Unfortunately, sometimes this can lead to pain or pain on a constant basis. Shoulder pain and shoulder injuries are becoming more and more prevalent. So the question that arises is how to deal with shoulder pain.

If you are suffering from shoulder pain or shoulder injuries, then this article is for you. This blog will address some common mistakes as well as things you should be doing in order to deal with your shoulder injury and rehabilitation properly.

What to DO

Determine the cause

Shoulder pain is a common problem and can be caused by a wide range of issues. It may be a minor problem, such as a stiff neck, or a more serious one. If you have been experiencing shoulder pain for weeks or months and have not found relief, it is important to see a New York pain management specialist to rule out the cause.

The following are some common causes of shoulder pain:

Stress — Stress is a major cause of shoulder pain; it can also lead to frozen shoulder syndrome, which causes stiffness and weakness in the shoulder joint.

Injury — Injuries to the shoulder area can cause significant pain and discomfort. If you are experiencing any pain after an injury, it is best to seek medical attention immediately.

Arthritis — Arthritis can cause inflammation and irritation in the joint, leading to pain when moving your arm or using your hands. There are different types of arthritis that affect different areas of the body, and some types of arthritis can be treated with treatment.

Fibromyalgia — Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes widespread muscle aches throughout the body; these aches can be felt in many different parts of the body.

Educate yourself on what you can do

Learn about common causes of shoulder pain as well as how to avoid them. For example, if you tend to carry heavy bags on one shoulder or sleep in an awkward position, you might want to switch up your habits so they don't cause more problems down the road.

Take it easy

It's also important to remember that the best way to heal from an injury is to rest and take it easy. Then, if you're feeling good enough to resume normal activities, try to gradually increase your activity level by about 10% each day until you're back up to where you were before the injury occurred.

Stay Active

Stay active, but avoid any activities that may worsen your pain. While resting may seem like the last thing you want to do when you have shoulder pain, it's important not to overdo it when you're injured. Resting will help your body heal faster and reduce the chance of further injury. If you're used to exercising regularly, try working out on alternate days or at an easier pace than usual until your shoulder heals completely.

Eat healthy foods

Eat healthy foods that provide nutrients for the healing and repair of muscles and tissue. For example, foods that are high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, are good for your digestive system and help reduce constipation. They also contain antioxidants that fight free radicals that can damage cells and cause inflammation.

Reduce stress levels

Stress can have a negative impact on your health and well-being. If you're stressed out about something, take steps to alleviate the stressors in your life as soon as possible. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises when you feel anxious or stressed out. You may also want to consider getting some counseling or therapy if your stress levels are too high for you to handle alone.

Get enough rest

When it comes to treating most types of shoulder pain, rest is usually recommended by doctors. This means taking time off from work or avoiding strenuous activities that strain the shoulder joint. In addition, adequate rest can help your body heal itself faster.

Consult a pain specialist about your symptoms

shoulder pain management

Physical pain can affect your life in many ways. It can lead to mental anguish, sleepless nights, and decreased quality of life. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, it is best to see a pain specialist as soon as possible.

The pain doctor will perform an examination and determine what type of treatment would be best for your specific problem. They may recommend physical therapy or other types of treatment methods depending on what kind of condition you have and how severe it is.

If your shoulder pain is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, consult a specialist right away:

  • Severe pain or numbness in your arm

  • Persistent swelling around your joint or in your upper back/neck area

  • Sharp pains that occur with activity or while resting

  • Pain that increases with activity

  • Pain when lifting something heavy from the ground or from above your head

  • Popping sensation in your shoulder

  • Rough feeling under the skin where the tendon attaches to your bone

  • Loss of motion in your shoulder joint

The good news is that there are many ways to treat shoulder pain. A pain management specialist will help you develop a treatment plan that suits your specific needs. However, in order to work through your shoulder pain rehab and get back to the activities you love, there are some things you shouldn't do.

What NOT to DO

Don't ignore the problem

If you experience any kind of sharp or dull pain in your shoulder, seek medical attention right away. Don't wait until the pain gets worse, which could cause permanent damage.

Don't try to move your arm too much

If you have shoulder pain, avoid doing activities that make the pain worse. For example, don't try to move your arm too much or be tempted to use your shoulder more than necessary. Also, if you have a bruise on your arm, don't try to move the arm too much until it's healed completely because it will increase blood flow in that area which can make the bruise more painful.

Don't try to self-diagnose

Don't try to self-diagnose or treat your own shoulder pain. You could end up making matters worse if you don't know what you're doing. In addition, not every pain is the same, so it is important to get an accurate diagnosis from a professional to determine if there is a serious issue.

Don't wait too long before seeking medical attention

shoulder pain rehab

Don't wait too long before seeking medical attention for your shoulder pain. It's best not to wait until the pain becomes so bad that it keeps you awake at night or interferes with your day-to-day activities or work duties.

If it has been bothering you for more than two weeks, or if the pain is severe and doesn't go away after a few days or weeks, see a pain specialist as soon as possible so they can make a diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan. If left untreated, shoulder problems can cause permanent damage.

Don't go without physical therapy if needed

Physical therapy can also help you recover from shoulder injuries and improve your range of motion and strength in the affected area. A physical therapist may recommend exercises that will increase flexibility and strengthen muscles around the joint without causing further strain.

Typically physical therapists have more experience with treating injuries than any other health care provider, so they're your best bet for getting back in shape after an injury or surgery on your shoulder (including rotator cuff repair).


It's important to understand that healing takes time, and your body will not heal overnight. You may not be able to eliminate shoulder pain altogether, but you can take steps to reduce its severity and duration.

Hopefully, what we shared in this article will help you in dealing with shoulder pain. At the very least, you should recognize its signs and symptoms, know what can cause it, and have a good idea of how to deal with it based on the treatment options provided by a New York pain management specialist.

You don't have to suffer from shoulder injuries forever. The sooner you deal with your shoulder pain, the better chance you stand to get over it and back to living a pain-free life.


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