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[New York Pain Management] How Do People Get Chronic Pain and What Does it Do to A Person

Updated: Jun 26

chronic pain management

Are you one of the millions of people that suffer from chronic pain? How does one get chronic pain? If you are dealing with chronic pain and want to know more about what causes it, then there are a couple of paths your body could have taken that led you to this point.

People often wonder how a person can get chronic pain, but they never think about what the pain could be doing to their life and the people around them. That's why our New York pain management center is here to help you manage and treat chronic pain.

There are many different causes your body could have to have chronic pain, and the types of pains you will feel will be different for each person based on the cause. But whatever the case may be, your quality of life can be affected by it. In this blog, know more about the different causes of why people develop chronic pain and what it does to a person.

The Different Types of Pain

Pain is the most common reason people visit a medical professional, and chronic pain affects about 100 million Americans of all ages. Pain is an unpleasant sensation that can be felt in one or more areas of the body. It is a complex phenomenon that affects people in many different ways and at varying levels of intensity. It can be sharp or dull, mild or severe, throbbing or constant.

There are many types of pain, and they can be caused by different things. It is the body's way of telling you that something is wrong. Pain can be divided into two main categories: acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term).

Acute Pain Can Become Chronic

acute wrist pain can become chronic wrist pain

Acute pain is a normal response to injury or disease. It usually gets better when treated or improves on its own in a few days or weeks. But when acute pain isn't properly addressed, it can develop into chronic pain.

Acute pain progresses into chronic pain when it's either repeated or continuous. Therefore, the more you experience the same pain, the more likely it is to evolve into chronic pain.

The most common way acute pain becomes chronic is through persistent, low-level inflammation. Pain signals are sent from nerve endings in the area where there was an injury or damage, and when those signals get sent over and over again, they trigger a response from our immune system.

This response can be harmful in itself but can also lead to sensitization—the body learns to respond constantly and vigorously to the triggers that send the initial pain signals. That sensitivity makes us more likely to feel the kind of hurt that would otherwise have only happened once or twice before we learned how to cope with it and move on.

When acute pain becomes chronic, the risk of developing a mood disorder increases three-fold. That's why preventing acute pain from becoming chronic is so important. If you experience pain, it's important to see a pain specialist to diagnose and manage it early before it worsens and develops into a more serious problem.

Causes of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is an ongoing condition characterized by a continuous or recurring sense of pain. It can be anything from a nagging ache to debilitating agony that lasts for weeks, months, or even years. It can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. It can even affect any area of your body (even your teeth). And it can also affect you mentally, physically, or emotionally. Unfortunately, chronic pain is a part of life for many people.

Chronic pain can have a serious impact on your life. It can interfere with sleep and make it hard to work, exercise or do everyday tasks. It can cause you to change your lifestyle and make it difficult to perform your daily activities.

leg pain injury

There are many possible causes of chronic pain and not just one single cause. These include:

  • Injury or trauma to an area of the body that never heals properly or heals too quickly can lead to chronic pain.

  • Disease or illness, such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and fibromyalgia, can all cause chronic pain.

  • Joint degeneration (osteoarthritis)

  • Pain after surgery on tissues such as muscles or tendons

  • Repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Muscle strain (rotator cuff injury)

  • Nerve damage

  • Some medication that causes side effects used to treat other conditions can also cause chronic pain

People can get chronic pain from many different things. It could happen from a mistake your body makes when it is trying to heal itself or from an injury that happens when you are young. It could happen as a result of surgery that had complications or because you have a disease that causes pain.

Many people with chronic pain have been diagnosed with a specific medical condition such as arthritis or back pain. However, some people experience chronic pain without a clear cause. It can even be emotional factors such as stress or depression or vice versa. It can also lead to a variety of health problems if left untreated.

The Effects of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can present itself in so many different forms and aggressively causes multiple symptoms. Depending on the situation, people who suffer from this condition can experience severe or just mild forms of it. Chronic pain can affect a person's daily life, and it can make it hard for them to do simple things like getting out of bed or taking a shower.

When you have chronic pain, it can affect your life in many ways. For example:

Chronic pain can make you lose concentration
  • You might find it difficult to sleep at night because you're in so much discomfort.

  • You may not be able to do the things that used to bring you joy or make you happy because of your condition.

  • You may feel lonely at times which leads to isolation.

  • You may feel like you have no energy because your chronic pain is draining the energy out of you.

  • It can be hard to deal with on a daily basis and make it difficult to do simple things like getting out of bed in the morning or going to work.

  • It can also make you less productive at work or at home, which can lead to financial problems. This is especially true if you have trouble paying bills due to missed work days.

  • It can make you tired, making it difficult to focus and make decisions.

  • You may experience feelings of worthlessness or guilt. These feelings may be related to the fact that you're unable to do things that others take for granted, like going out with friends or cooking dinner for your family.

  • It can also affect your family and friends because they feel helpless and scared because they don't know what to do or how to help you deal with their situation.

  • You might have to deal with this for the rest of your life if you don't get help or treatment.

Everything in your life is affected by chronic pain. It can be very depressing, which creates more anxiety in life. All of these things can change how you view life, and it can make it hard for you to see any positives in life at all.

As time goes on, chronic pain can change the way your nervous system works, and it can change the way your brain works too. It can affect how you think, feel, and interact with others. In addition, it can change your moods and behavior over time if left untreated. This makes living with chronic pain difficult for both the person who suffers from it and those around them.

seek professional pain management help

If you are suffering from chronic pain, please know that there are treatments available that can help improve your quality of life. There are many different types of pain management treatments that can offer relief from this debilitating condition.

Chronic Pain Treatment

If you've ever experienced chronic pain, you know how difficult it can be to live with. You may feel like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of pain and discomfort, and it can feel like there's nothing you can do about it.

So when you have chronic pain, getting an accurate diagnosis is important. Identifying this condition can help you develop a better idea of the proper steps to take in order to function normally.

Our New York pain management center offers non-drug and non-invasive techniques to help people manage chronic pain, like physical therapy, acupuncture, and medical massage therapy. These treatments are gaining popularity because they're generally non-addictive and don't have negative side effects. Talk about it with our pain specialist to help you find the right treatment for your needs so you can feel better again.

It is important to get help early, especially if there is no obvious reason for your pain, so that you can work on getting better before this becomes something more serious.

Living Despite Chronic Pain

New York pain management

The body is complicated and there are many reasons you can feel pain but there are many treatment options out there for you to take if you are suffering from chronic pain. You have to inform yourself of all you can do and look for the right treatment. There is no reason why you have to suffer from this pain. So keep searching until you find something that will work for you and your situation.

The main point of this article is to inform readers about the importance of being aware of chronic pain and how it affects a person's life. Chronic pain can absolutely change a person but pain should not define you. Understanding what is happening to your body, and why you are experiencing this pain, gives you the power to help control it and minimize its effects on your life to keep yourself on track.


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