If you are living in New York, suffering from chronic wrist pain is unfortunate. Chronic wrist pain can be extremely debilitating and is often misunderstood by people who have never dealt with an issue like this. Many people end up visiting their doctor and have a horrible experience at the emergency room when they have constant wrist or hand pain.
The truth is, there are many reasons why you might be experiencing frequent pain in your wrists or hands. And there are several types of pain, and the type you suffer from depends on the root cause. Nevertheless, chronic wrist pain is a serious condition that should be addressed by a New York pain management specialist.
If you're looking for more information about chronic wrist pain causes and treatment, then keep on reading. I've gathered as much information as possible about chronic wrist pain and how you can find relief.
Causes Of Chronic Wrist Pain

Wrist pain can limit you from doing the things you love. It's unfortunate, mostly for people who use their wrists every day. It makes you rethink how you approach your everyday activities.
Suddenly, many actions that were an automatic part of your day become a struggle, like buttoning your shirt, putting on shoes and socks, typing at work, and even something as simple as shaking someone's hand or holding a cup of coffee. Your wrist may ache because you're typing on your computer, texting with your phone, playing video games, or even just holding your spoon while eating dinner. But these are all activities that are a part of our modern lives—are you really going to stop living your life just because of wrist pain?
The following are the most common causes of chronic wrist pain:
Carpal tunnel syndrome: This syndrome is caused when pressure on the median nerve in your hand causes numbness, tingling, and weakness. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by repetitive activities that put pressure on the nerve, such as typing or playing video games for long periods of time.
Ulnar styloid tenosynovitis: This condition occurs when tendons in your wrist swell and become inflamed. Ulnar styloid tenosynovitis usually occurs due to repetitive gripping motions or forceful movements of your hand. It may also occur if you have diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.
Hamate fracture: A hamate fracture occurs when a small bone in your hand breaks (usually from an injury). Hamate fractures often cause severe pain that radiates into your thumb and into your wrist area.
Myofascial pain syndrome: Myofascial pain syndrome occurs when muscles become tight or inflamed due to overuse or injury. These conditions can cause pain anywhere along the length of your arm, from your shoulder to your fingers. A specialist often diagnoses myofascial pain syndrome after they press on specific points on your body and feel tenderness or pain. The specialist will also look for signs that you may have other conditions that can cause similar symptoms.
Tendinitis: Tendinitis is a condition in which a tendon, the tissue that connects muscle to bone, becomes inflamed. Tendinitis usually affects tendons located in joints such as your elbows and knees, but it can also affect tendons located in your wrists. People who perform repetitive motions with their hands are at greater risk for developing tendinitis.
Trigger finger. Trigger finger is a condition that causes one or more fingers to lock into place or catch on themselves when you try to bend them at the first joint (the knuckle). You may feel as if something is catching as you try to bend your finger while it's still straightened out (or vice versa). This can repeatedly happen with each attempt at movement.
Ganglion cyst: A ganglion cyst is an abnormal sac filled with fluid that develops near a joint, tendon, or bursa (fluid-filled sacs). Ganglion cysts in the wrist are more common than ganglion cysts elsewhere on the hand. They most often occur on one side of the wrist and are located in a joint called the carpal tunnel. Ganglions can be painful when they're inflamed, which can happen if they develop on top of a nerve. They might also cause swelling in the area around them. A ganglion cyst usually gets more prominent over time as it fills with fluid. It may get so large that it pushes against tendons or other soft tissues in your wrist. This can cause pain and make it difficult for you to use your hand properly.
Golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis): Golfer's elbow occurs when tendons on either side of your elbow become inflamed from repetitive use or injury (such as falling on an outstretched hand). Symptoms include pain on the inside of your elbow that may extend down into your forearm or wrist. If you suffer from this condition, it's important to see a pain management specialist for treatment as soon as possible.
Other possible causes include:
Fractures or breaks in bones
Injuries from sports or work activities like typing on a computer keyboard for long periods of time without taking regular breaks or using proper posture

Chronic wrist pain is a condition that occurs when the wrist becomes inflamed, swollen, and stiff. It can cause pain in the wrist and hand, which may be worse at night or with any movement. It can be incredibly frustrating and painful, especially when it comes on unexpectedly.
It makes you want to stop doing things that you love. You're suddenly cut off from writing or drawing when you can't hold a pen or turn a page. You can't write your name on a check or sign your credit card receipt. Even when the pain isn't there, its specter comes up again and again. People with chronic pain are often told they "just need to find ways to deal with it" and that they should "work through it." But when you have chronic pain, it's not just a nuisance; it's part of your identity.
If you are experiencing wrist pain and discomfort, you can try self-care to find relief. But if you find those remedies without any success and your pain still persists, and if you don't want to take pills, then it is time you consult a pain management specialist in New York about it.
Your pain could be evidence of something more serious. Because sometimes, the exact cause of chronic wrist pain is unknown. It is believed that an injury to the wrist over time can cause inflammation and swelling, but this is not always the case. Some people who perform repetitive motions with their hands develop chronic wrist pain often. You tend to avoid and change these activities to prevent the pain, but if changing it seems impossible (like when computer work is a big part of your daily routine), try seeking help from a New York pain management specialist.
Chronic Wrist Pain Management
The wrist is a complex, delicate joint with many bones, ligaments, and tendons that work together to allow us to move our hands and fingers in so many ways.
It's no fun to wake up every morning with pain in your wrist and hand. Who wants to reach for their coffee mug, take a sip of tea, or pick that thing up again? And what about the more mundane tasks like typing, using your mouse, or even holding a pen to write? Don't delay getting help, don't let your wrist pain continue for another minute!
It's important to see a pain management specialist as soon as possible. A specialist may recommend a personalized treatment that suits your specific needs. This will help decrease inflammation in the joint and ease pain.
So if you have chronic wrist pain, you can seek help and find the right treatment with All Of Pain New York pain management center. All Of Pain specializes in treating chronic wrist pain, as well as other forms of chronic pain. Our team will work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses the specific causes of your pain. We'll treat your condition using only proven methods and technologies.
Learn more about how we can help you manage your pain. Call us today! We're here to answer your questions and help you feel better soon.