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[Manhattan Pain Management] 12 Things You Should Know About Chronic Neck Pain

Updated: Jun 26

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Do you or a loved one suffer from chronic neck pain? We understand how challenging it can be to manage, and our Manhattan pain management center is here to help.

Chronic neck pain is something that many people deal with on a daily basis. If you're interested in understanding more about chronic neck pain, keep reading and discover things you should know about chronic neck pain, including what caused the pain and how to prevent future flare-ups.

1. Chronic neck pain is very common

Chronic neck pain is a very common problem, with about one-third of the population suffering from it in any given year. It can be a result of arthritis, disc degeneration, or fibromyalgia. It is often described as a recurring ache, stiffness, or a feeling of pressure in the part of the neck.

2. Chronic neck pain is a syndrome, not a disease itself

Chronic neck pain is a syndrome that can be caused by a variety of issues. The most common cause is a combination of poor posture, previous injury, and muscle strain.

It's important to understand that chronic neck pain is not a disease itself but rather the result of an underlying problem in your body. For example, you might have chronic neck pain because of an injury or because you're suffering from a condition like arthritis.

chronic neck pain

Chronic neck pain can be caused by many different things, including:

Injuries — If you've experienced an injury to your neck, such as whiplash or a strained muscle, it can cause inflammation and trigger chronic pain.

Arthritis — Arthritis is a degenerative disease in which your joints lose cartilage and become painful. This can lead to neck pain.

Other conditions — Other conditions such as cancer or tumors may lead to chronic pain in the neck region. These conditions often require medical treatment beyond simple over-the-counter remedies for relief from symptoms like headache or stiffness in the neck region.

3. Chronic neck pain is defined as pain that lasts more than three months

If your neck hurts all the time or most of the time, you may have chronic neck pain. Chronic neck pain can also be described as persistent or recurrent pain in the neck with no known physical cause. The pain can last for months or years at a time before going away completely.

4. Chronic neck pain usually develops slowly over time

This means that you may notice your symptoms getting worse over weeks or months before they get better again. However, those who suffer from acute or sudden onset of chronic neck pain often feel immediate relief when they receive treatment for their condition.

Neck pain can range from a mild ache to sharp shooting pain. It may worsen when you make certain movements, such as turning your head or bending down. Neck pain may also be accompanied by tingling, weakness, or numbness in your arms or hands.

5. The neck is a complex area of the body

The problem is that the neck is a complex area with many muscles, nerves, and bones. This makes it difficult to pinpoint the source of your pain.

The neck is home to many important structures, including bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. The spinal cord, which connects the brain to the rest of the body, travels through it. The body's most sensitive nerves run through the cervical spine, which is why injuries to this area can lead to severe symptoms like chronic pain.

6. The pain can also be felt in the shoulder, arm, and hand

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When you have constant pain in your neck, it can be difficult to get through the day. You may also notice that the pain affects your shoulders, arms, and hands as well.

This can make it difficult to do simple tasks like driving or typing on a keyboard. The pain may be due to nerve compression or inflammation, which causes damage to the nerves that control feeling and movement in your arms and hands.

7. Chronic neck pain is a problem that can make life miserable

Chronic neck pain can make it difficult to perform even the most basic of daily activities, as simple as turning your head to the side. The pain can be so severe that even the thought of moving can bring on more suffering.

8. Women are more likely to have neck pain than men

Women are more likely than men to experience this type of non-specific musculoskeletal pain, which can make it difficult for them to do their daily activities. The reasons for this aren't clear, but it could be because women are more likely to experience stress and anxiety, which can make the pain worse.

9. Neck pain can begin at any age

Anyone can develop neck pain. However, if you suffer from chronic neck pain, it's important to understand that the condition is not a normal part of aging, but the risk of developing neck pain increases with age. It's more common in older people but can occur at any age.

10. Chronic neck pain is a major problem that causes disability

Chronic neck pain can be disabling and cause a great deal of discomfort. Untreated and uncontrolled chronic neck pain can lead to other health problems and decreased quality of life. If you're suffering from chronic neck pain, it's important that you get professional help as soon as possible.

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11. Chronic neck pain is treatable

There are many treatments for chronic neck pain. The best approach to treating chronic neck pain depends on the underlying cause and severity of your condition. Treatment options include physical therapy, injections, and complementary therapies such as acupuncture and chiropractic care.

12. Chronic neck pain is a condition that can be treated with chiropractic care

Chiropractic care is an effective treatment for chronic neck pain without the use of medication or surgery. The goal of chiropractic care for neck pain is to reduce or prevent the pain and restore the normal range of motion to the neck.

Chiropractic care has been shown to be effective at treating chronic conditions such as lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder injuries, and knee conditions. It works by addressing the underlying causes of your condition rather than just treating symptoms like pain medication does. Chiropractors are experts in treating musculoskeletal disorders, including neck pain. This includes injuries and conditions that cause muscle spasms and inflammation in the neck area.


Understanding more about chronic neck pain can help you find relief, so if you suffer from chronic neck pain, now is a great time to schedule an appointment at our Manhattan pain management center today!


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