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[Manhattan Pain Management] 10 Signs that Your Back Pain is Disabling You

Updated: Jun 26

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There is nothing worse than having back pain. Back pain can mean many different things. Everything from muscle tension to a full-blown slipped disc. Unfortunately, it is a common problem for most of us as we age. It can be annoying, debilitating, and disruptive, affecting many people in New York every year. However, it doesn't have to be with a few simple precautions.

So, if you're experiencing back pain, it's important to know the signs and symptoms of a spinal injury. Back pain can be caused by many things, including stress, poor posture, and even poor sleeping habits. This blog will walk you through signs that your back is hurting you and share why you should seek treatment from a Manhattan pain management specialist.

1. The Pain Radiates Down to Your Leg

If you feel pain in your leg, it could mean that the source of your problem is in your lower back and hips. Pain that travels down through your legs can also be a sign that something is wrong with your sciatic nerve, which runs from the base of the spine out each side of the buttocks and all along the back of the thigh. This nerve can become compressed if there's too much pressure on it from above or below, causing severe pain and numbness in one or both legs.

It's important to see a pain doctor as soon as possible if you notice any changes in how your legs feel or function. The sooner it is treated, the better chance there is for recovery and full function.

2. You have difficulty standing up straight

If you find it challenging to stand up straight or walk normally, this could signify a problem with your lower back. This occurs because the muscles become tight, which causes them to fatigue easily and prevents them from performing their usual tasks.

When your muscles are fatigued, they can't support your spine as well as they should, which means you may feel pain when standing up straight. It's best to seek medical attention immediately from a pain specialist. They will likely order tests to determine what's causing the issue and how best to treat it.

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3. You feel numbness or tingling in your extremities

If you feel numbness or tingling in your hands or feet, this could mean that there's an issue with one of your vertebrae or nerves in your neck or lower back region. Severe cases may cause temporary paralysis until treated properly by a health professional who can diagnose and treat underlying conditions causing such symptoms as nerve compression syndrome.

4. You have trouble sleeping or staying asleep

It's normal for people to toss and turn while they sleep, but if you consistently have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting comfortable once you do fall asleep, this may be a sign that something's bothering your back.

Your body needs rest to recover from any injury or strain that has been placed on it during the day. If you have trouble getting to sleep because of pain, then this is a sign that you need help with finding ways to relax your body before bedtime each night.

5. You collapse when bending over

If you can't bend over without collapsing into a heap on the floor, it's time to see a pain doctor about your back problems. When bending over becomes difficult, it's easy to injure yourself further by falling down while trying to pick things up off the floor. This kind of injury can lead to severe pain and muscle spasms that make every movement painful until they heal.

6. You have a limited range of motion

Your joints should move freely when you move them. When they don't, it's called joint stiffness or joint locking. These problems may make it hard for you to move and bend as easily as you used to be able to.

Back pain is often caused by a problem in the spine. But it can also be caused by problems in the hips, legs, or even the spine above the area. If you have back pain, your doctor will examine your entire body to try to find out the cause.

pain in the spine

7. You feel muscle spasms or tightness

Muscle spasms are sudden and involuntary contractions of muscles. They're usually caused by injury or overuse. Tight muscles are stiff and sore but don't contract on their own. Both can make it difficult for you to move around normally and feel comfortable when sitting or lying down.

8. Your pain doesn't improve over time

Back pain is rarely serious and usually gets better on its own within six weeks or so. But if your symptoms don't improve after two months, it may be time for you to see a pain doctor.

Back pain may occur suddenly or develop gradually over time. Back pain that doesn't go away after several weeks is often caused by more serious conditions. If you've had low-back pain for months or years, it's likely that the source isn't a simple muscle strain or sprain. Instead, it could be an injury to the ligaments (the connective tissue that holds bones together) or a disc injury (a problem with the shock-absorbing cartilage between vertebrae).

9. Your leg or hip is weak

Back pain affects more than 80% of people at some point in their lives. You may also experience other symptoms, such as stiffness or weakness in your legs, difficulty walking or moving around, or tingling or numbness in your back or legs.

A weak leg or hip can be a sign that your sciatic nerve is being pinched. This nerve travels from your lower back down to your thigh and can cause pain in the buttocks, leg, and foot. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, see health professional right away.

10. You can't perform daily activities normally

If you're in constant pain, it may be difficult to do the things you love. The pain may make it difficult to carry out your daily activities or even get out of bed. If you have back pain, you should see a doctor or pain specialist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and do a physical examination of your spine to determine the cause of your back pain.

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Seek Help from a Pain Specialist

If the pain mentioned here is mild or less frequent, chances are you're fine and don't need to worry. But when your back pain starts to become more severe, don't wait to do anything about it. Instead, seek help to reduce your symptoms from a highly qualified Manhattan pain management specialist.

There are several treatment options available that can help you manage your condition. Once you understand what works for you, you'll be in a much better position to control the level of discomfort or pain that you experience and return to normal activity as soon as possible. The aim of treatment is to relieve symptoms and prevent long-term problems.

Back pain can be a warning sign that something is wrong with your joints or muscles. But you don't have to suffer from back pain for long periods of time. The sooner you act, the better your chances of getting relief and avoiding more serious complications.


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