Poor circulation is a serious matter that should not be overlooked. Unfortunately, many people don't pay attention to their bodies so easily because they're stressed out or working too hard without rest. As a result, when you have poor circulation, you only notice it when your legs swell up at certain times of the day.
You may have poor blood flow if you start to notice symptoms like a tingling sensation in the legs, muscle fatigue, a general feeling of numbness, and any other unusual signs in your legs or feet. That's why it's important to know what signs can show bad circulation.
If this ever happens to you, our pain management NYC center is here to help! We offer treatment options that you can take to relieve this problem. In this blog post, we will show you some of the symptoms, what causes poor circulation and what you can do about it.
What is Poor Circulation?
Poor circulation is a condition in which your blood does not circulate properly through your body. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all of your organs and tissues, so when your blood flow is poor, you may develop a variety of symptoms and conditions.
Poor circulation can affect any part of the body, but it most often occurs in the legs and feet. Some people with poor circulation have no symptoms, while others experience pain, swelling, and cramping in their extremities, which can make it hard to perform everyday tasks.
There are many different things that can cause poor circulation in your legs. Some of them include the following:
Inadequate blood supply from clogged arteries (atherosclerosis)
Narrowed arteries due to plaque buildup (atherosclerosis)
Complications of diabetes, such as nerve damage and poor blood supply to the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy)
Anemia (low red blood cell count)
Obesity or being overweight (excess fat tissue around the waistline)
Injury to major blood vessels
Certain medications
Smoking cigarettes or using other tobacco products
High cholesterol levels
Lack of physical activity or exercise
Sedentary lifestyles, such as sitting for long periods without moving your legs or feet
What are the Signs of Poor Circulation?
Poor circulation is one of the most common reasons people experience leg pain. If you're experiencing leg pain, there are symptoms to look for that may indicate poor circulation as the culprit.

You Have Pain in Your Legs
The first thing to look out for is a pain in the legs. If you have pain in your legs when walking or exercising, this could be a sign of something wrong with your circulation.
If the pain gradually occurs as you do your activities, then it may not be anything to worry about. However, if the pain starts suddenly and does not go away after a few minutes of rest, then it might be worth seeing a pain specialist about it.
You Have Cold Legs and Feet
One of the signs of poor circulation is cold feet and hands. If you have cold feet or hands most of the time, this may be an indication that there is not enough blood flowing through your veins to keep them warm.
If you have this symptom, it's important to get checked out by a medical professional because it could be a sign of more serious conditions like diabetes or blood clots.
You Have Tingling or Numbness
If you feel tingling or numbness in your legs, pay attention to your risk of developing a serious problem with circulation. Numbness in the legs usually indicates poor circulation in that part of your body, which could lead to more serious complications down the road.
The feeling may come and go or be constant; however, if it continues for more than a few days, it's best to see a medical professional for an evaluation.

You Have Swelling in Your Legs
Swelling in your legs can also be a sign that you have poor circulation in this area of your body, which leads to discomfort and pain.
Swelling could occur due to fluid buildup inside your veins because they are not able to drain properly due to restricted blood flow. If you notice this symptom and treat it as soon as possible, you may be able to avoid any further damage.
You Have Leg Cramps
Leg cramps are another sign of poor circulation in your legs. They're caused by muscle contractions that occur when the muscle has a limited blood supply and oxygen delivery.
These painful spasms often occur at night while you sleep as well as during physical activity such as running or cycling. You might notice other symptoms like numbness and tingling sensations when you have leg cramps as well.
The feeling may come and go or be constant; however, if it continues for more than a few days, it's best to see a medical professional for an evaluation and treatment.
Your Legs Itch
The most common sign of poor circulation is itching. Itching is often due to dry skin or an allergic reaction to something that has touched your skin (such as detergent). But if your legs are itching, even when they're not dry or exposed to any irritants, it could be a sign that something else is going on, such as poor blood circulation.
Your Skin Color Changes
As blood flow decreases and oxygen delivery becomes inadequate, the color of the skin changes from its normal pinkish hue to blue or red-purple because of the lack of oxygen supply in that area. If the problem persists once you've reached this point, it's important to get treatment as soon as possible.

Your Legs Feel Weak
You may also feel weak when you have poor circulation in your legs. In addition, if you are experiencing leg pain while standing or walking, it may mean that the blood isn't carrying enough oxygen to support your muscles.
If your circulation has begun to get worse over time, talk to a medical professional about innovative treatment options – this is a manageable condition thanks to the variety of available advanced pain management treatments.
How to Improve Blood Circulation?
Pain is your body's way of saying, "Hey, something is wrong." It's a signal that alerts you to any damage or injury. Unfortunately, many people live in a state of chronic pain and don't even realize it. They've accepted the pain as part of their daily lives and don't know how to make it go away.
When you have pain in your legs, it can be difficult to get around and perform daily activities. So it's no surprise that improving your blood flow can be an important step in relieving this type of pain.
Improving blood flow can help increase the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach the skin and muscles in your legs, which can make them feel more comfortable. If you're suffering from chronic pain or poor circulation, several non-invasive treatment options can help you feel better, including:
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine technique that uses tiny needles placed on certain points in the body. It can be used for many different conditions, including pain relief and improved blood circulation.
According to recent studies, acupuncture improves blood flow by stimulating certain nerves in the body that control blood vessel function. By stimulating these nerves with needles at specific points along your body, acupuncturists can decrease inflammation and swelling around damaged joints and other inflamed areas in the body.

Medical massage
Medical massage is a treatment focused on treating specific health conditions diagnosed by a doctor and is administered by a licensed medical massage therapist.
Medical massage has been shown to help increase blood flow circulation, improve vascular health overall and promote healing — all while decreasing stress levels as well!
Specialized physical therapy
A physical therapist can provide personalized exercises specifically designed to your condition to improve circulation in your legs and feet by strengthening their muscles and increasing flexibility in their joints.
Physical therapy, such as exercise program, helps increase blood flow to your extremities, so walking or other low-impact activities will be beneficial for improving circulation. It also helps improve muscle tone in your legs, which makes it easier for blood to flow through them with less effort from your heart and lungs.
Don't Ignore The Signs
If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, or others that are lingering, get medical help immediately. It's likely that you're experiencing poor circulation. Don't wait to seek medical attention! Poor circulation is a serious issue and should not be taken lightly.
Be sure to see a pain management NYC specialist who specializes in treating this condition to get your blood-flow back on track, restore good health and avoid any long-term complications.