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[Pain Management NYC] How Migraines Could Be Making Your Life Miserable

Writer's picture: All of PainAll of Pain

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

pain management NYC

Did you know that migraines can make your life miserable? Not only can they affect your head they can also affect other parts of your body. Migraine is a serious problem that affects your life physically, emotionally, and psychologically. That feeling of being in complete pain, lightheadedness, and completely unable to function is something no one should go through.

But what should you do if you find yourself suffering from migraine headaches? What are the best treatments? That is why we at our pain management NYC center are passionate about helping as many people as we can to lessen the effects of migraines. In this blog, let's run through the facts about migraines and what it means to live with this condition.

Migraines are more than just headaches

The first thing you'll want to know about migraine is how it affects your head. There are a few things that may help you to identify a migraine attack. The first sign is that your head starts to hurt. It usually starts on one side of the head, with pain and sensitivity in the temple area and forehead.

A migraine is a complicated condition that involves several systems in the body — including the brain and nervous system — as well as many factors that contribute to attacks. The cause of migraines isn't clear, but they're believed to be related to changes in blood vessel structure and function in the brain.

migraine relief NYC manhattan

Migraines are a severe type of headache that make their presence known throughout your entire head and body. You get neck and shoulder pain when you have a migraine attack. Many people who get migraines also experience neck stiffness, muscle stiffness, and pain in their shoulders during a migraine attack.

Although they can trigger intense pain, they can also cause people to experience visual problems and other types of disabling symptoms, including nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, fatigue, and dizziness. The pain usually occurs on one side of the body and can last for several hours or longer until the headache goes away.

Migraines can be burdensome

Migraines can be very painful, and many people with migraines have other symptoms that can make life difficult. They can cause severe pain in the head and neck that often affects vision that typically lasts from 4 to 72 hours. While most people with migraines have attacks once or twice a month, some people experience them more frequently — even daily — making them hard to live with.

Some people also have numbness in their faces or arms, difficulty speaking clearly, and tingling sensations in their hands or feet. The good news is that there are treatments options that can help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines and improve your quality of life.

Migraines make it hard to concentrate

It can be difficult to think clearly or learn new things when you have a migraine attack. This is because your brain isn't working properly. The migraine changes the way you think and feel about life, as well as how you perform at work and school. You might also experience temporary confusion and forgetfulness during an attack.

If you're living with migraines, there are treatments that can help you manage them and even prevent them from happening as often or for as long as possible.

Migraines can affect relationships

If you suffer from migraines, you know they can make life miserable. The throbbing pain and nausea make it difficult to think straight or do everyday tasks. But your relationships can also be affected by migraines.

Migraines may strain relationships with family members and friends who don't understand how debilitating they are. The following are some ways migraines may affect your relationships:

  • You may become isolated from friends and family because you're afraid of having a migraine attack in front of them.

  • You might be embarrassed by the symptoms of your migraine attacks, such as vomiting or extreme sensitivity to light or sound.

  • Your loved ones may feel helpless when they see you suffering from a migraine attack. They may not know what to do to help or what to say.

  • You may have trouble communicating with others because of the confusion associated with your migraines. Your speech may be slurred or garbled, you may find it hard to concentrate on what someone is saying, and you might have trouble understanding others' speech as well.

Migraines can affect how you feel about yourself

Migraines are not just an occasional headache or a bad mood. They are chronic conditions that are incredibly painful and disruptive to your everyday life. If you have migraines, you may be more prone to depression or anxiety disorders than people who don't have migraines. This is because they can affect how you feel about yourself and your abilities.

It's normal to feel frustrated and angry when your migraines keep you from doing the things that are most important to you. But it's important to remember that migraines are not a sign of weakness or failure — they're a medical condition that can be managed with treatments and lifestyle changes.

Migraines can affect how you work

headache pain

Migraine attacks often last several hours or days, causing you to miss work or school. For example, if you have a headache during the day, you might find it difficult to concentrate on your job. If you're driving a car when a migraine starts, you may have trouble seeing clearly and reacting quickly enough to avoid an accident.

Unfortunately, this means that your family will probably miss work days as well — especially if they have to take care of you during an attack. These missed days can disrupt their finances and careers just as much as yours are by missing work due to migraine.

The good news is that there are treatments available for people with migraines. If you're having trouble with your migraines, talk to a pain specialist about what options are available for treating them.

Migraine can be debilitating, but there is hope!

At the end of the day, if you're suffering from migraines, you need to get help. There are treatment options that have been proven to minimize the frequency and severity of a migraine attack when given early enough. You don't have to face migraine pain alone or suffer in silence—you deserve to get treatment and find relief.

Finding the right treatment can, and often does, make a significant difference in both quality of life and frequency of migraines. And if you haven't found the right treatment for you yet, don't lose hope! There are many options available at our pain management NYC center, and with time and effort, you should be able to discover what works best.


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