Have you suffered from a lower back injury? Or do you suffer from back pain at the moment? Do you know what causes lower back pain? For some people, it doesn't seem to be that bad, so they ignore it, and it lingers on.
If you have back pain, you know what a challenge it can be to deal with. The pain can be debilitating. However, that doesn't mean you have to suffer. If you have back pain, you should get it checked out by a pain management NYC specialist immediately if you haven't already done so. Back problems happen more often than we think, and there are ways to relieve and even prevent them.
Your back can become an issue for many reasons. The best way to start dealing with it is by having your back checked. Here are 12 reasons why you should get your back checked out.
1. You Have Pain In Your Back
Pain in your back could be an indication of something serious going on with your spinal cord or nerves. This type of pain usually comes on suddenly and is often described as sharp or throbbing. The pain may radiate down one leg or both legs and sometimes into the groin area.
The intensity of this type of pain can vary from mild to severe. It is sometimes even debilitating for some people who have never experienced anything like it before. Therefore, you should always seek medical attention from a pain management specialist if you experience any type of back pain that does not subside over time or become better after resting for a few days. They can determine what is wrong with your spine and provide treatment options as soon as possible before any permanent damage occurs to your back.
2. You Have Difficulty Lifting Objects

If you find yourself unable to lift objects such as grocery bags or laundry baskets, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your back. Back pain is often caused by poor posture or lifting objects that are too heavy. To avoid injury, always use proper form when lifting objects and make sure they're light enough for you to handle.
One of the most common signs of a herniated disc is pain or weakness in your leg, buttocks, and lower back. You may also feel numbness, tingling, and burning sensations when moving. If you have these symptoms, it's important to see a pain physician for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
3. You Have Pain When You Sit
The most common symptom of DDD is chronic low back pain that gets worse with sitting or standing and improves with lying down. As we get older, these discs lose their water content and become thinner and less flexible. They also become more prone to injury and have difficulty returning to their original shape after stress or trauma.
Other symptoms include numbness or tingling in one leg or foot, loss of bladder control, bowel incontinence, and sciatica — pain along the sciatic nerve in the buttocks, thigh, or calf muscle groups. Back pain can come on suddenly or develop slowly over weeks or months, and it can range in intensity from mild to severe.
4. You Wake Up With Back Pain

Back pain can be debilitating and can affect your quality of life. It is often worse in the morning and sometimes improves throughout the day. However, if you wake up with severe back pain, this could be a sign of a serious problem such as a slipped disc or osteoporosis (in which bones become brittle and break easily). The good news is that there are many ways to treat back pain, and these options will depend on the cause of your pain. If you wake up with sharp pain in the middle of your back or buttock area, see a pain management specialist right away.
5. You Have Pain When You Urinate
If you feel pain when urinating or have burning urine, see a pain doctor right away because this could be an infection or kidney stone. Pain in the lower back that gets worse when you pee and doesn't go away after you urinate may also be caused by an enlarged prostate (prostate gland). The prostate is located in front of the rectum and urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of your body). If you're over 50 years old, this could be a sign of prostate cancer which causes back pain.
6. You Have Weakness In Your Legs Or Arms
Back pain is one of the most common health issues in New York. It affects about a quarter of all adults, and the vast majority of them will experience at least one episode of back pain during their lifetime. If you start to notice that one side of your body is weak or numb compared to the other side, it could mean something is wrong with your spine or nervous system. This could be caused by something as simple as a pinched nerve or something more serious like multiple sclerosis. If your weakness persists for longer than two weeks without improvement or worsens over time, see a pain management specialist right away.
7. You Have Trouble Moving Around

If you have trouble moving around, this may indicate that you have a serious problem with your spine. A lot of times, people think that they are just getting old when they start having issues with their backs. However, this is not always true. In fact, there are many things that can go wrong with your spine and cause it to become painful or difficult to move around. If your back pain is severe enough that it makes it difficult for you to move around or participate in daily activities, then see a pain doctor who specializes in treating musculoskeletal issues like back pain and muscle spasms. The sooner you get checked out by a pain management specialist, the better off you will be in the long term.
8. You Have Muscle Spasms
Muscle spasms are very common in people who have chronic back pain. Muscle spasms are involuntary contractions that can happen in any part of the body but are most common in the neck and back. They can cause sharp, shooting pains or cramping sensations. If you have muscle spasms, you may feel pain when you move or stretch in certain ways. Muscle spasms often occur in response to unusual stress placed on your back muscles, such as lifting something heavy or twisting your body in a way it hasn't been used to. When this happens, it can cause severe pain and discomfort in the back, neck, and shoulders.
9. You Have Shortness Of Breath
Shortness of breath is another common symptom of back pain. It can be mild or severe, but the most common cause is compression of the spinal cord or nerves that control breathing. This occurs when your spine becomes unstable and shifts out of place when you bend forward or lift something heavy. In some cases, shortness of breath may also be caused by swelling in the area around your lungs (pleurisy).
10. You Can't Walk Straight
Back pain affects everyone differently. Some people experience severe pain when standing up from a sitting position. You may also notice that you are having trouble walking straight. This is because the nerves that help guide your muscles as you walk have been damaged by the trauma, making it difficult to walk naturally. Others feel soreness only after long periods of standing or sitting in one place. If standing up straight causes more pain than usual or walking causes you to lean forward for balance, it could indicate that something is wrong with your spine. This is especially true if those symptoms come on suddenly and worsen when you try to walk upright for more extended periods of time. In this case, you may have a pinched nerve causing compression in your spine (commonly known as sciatica). Sciatica usually affects one side of the body but can affect both sides at once as well (called bilateral sciatica). You should visit a pain management specialist who can help minimize your pain and get you back on track.
11. You Have Chronic Conditions Or Spine Problems
Suppose you have diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, or other chronic conditions that are related to problems with your spine. In that case, it is highly recommended that you get checked out by a pain doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor can tell you if there are any treatments available that may help reduce your pain and increase mobility in your back.
12. The Health Of Your Back Is Important

The health of your spine is an essential component of your overall wellness for your entire life. A healthy spine will help keep you active, independent, and living life with less pain. A damaged or injured spinal column can alter the way you move and feel every day and may cause serious long-term problems if not treated properly.
A problem with one part of your body can affect another part, which is why it's important to make sure everything is working properly. Back problems often cause other issues because they affect how we move and how we feel about ourselves as people. Living with chronic pain and discomfort every day affects our quality of life and how we interact with other people as well as ourselves.
Consult A Pain Management NYC Specialist Now
It's fairly common for most people to ignore back pain, but that does nothing to help the situation. Worse, you may actually be compounding whatever problem you have. When we have an injury like this that lasts for long periods of time, it can cause depression and anxiety as well as other mental health. So don't try to endure it -- instead, see a pain management specialist and adhere to their recommendations so you can get back on the road to recovery.